Getting Started With The Clear Path To Cash App
1 min read
Starting your financial journey with “The Clear Path To Cash” app is easy. Follow these steps to set up your company profile and get the most out of the app’s features:
1. Click the “Add Company” Button:
– After logging into the app, navigate to your HOME Tab on the left menu for company management.
– Look for the “Add Company” button and click on it to begin the company setup process.
2. Provide Company Information:
– You will be prompted to enter key details about your company:
– Company Name: Enter the full name of your company.
– Service Company: Check the box if your company is a service company. Please note that some calculations are tailored specifically for service companies.
– NAICS Code: Provide the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for your company. If you are unsure of your NAICS code, you can use the link to the search tool to look it up. NAICS codes are essential for industry comparisons.
– Currency Symbol: Select the currency symbol that corresponds to your business’s financial transactions.
– Industry Type: Choose the industry type that best represents your business from a dropdown list. This selection is used to calculate the value of your company in “The Simple Valuation.”
3. Save Your Company Profile:
– Double-check the accuracy of the information you’ve entered.
– Click the “Submit” button to save your company profile.
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