Cash Flow Optimization Software

Add the Clear Path To Cash App To Your Advisory Service

computer screen with hidden cash graph image

Unlock Hidden Cash and Maximize Financial Clarity



Imagine Having Cash Flow Mike Work With You Inside Your Business to Formulate a Plan of Action!

"This is My Favorite APP by Far... It Just Doesn't Get Any Better Than This!"

Clear Path To Cash combines strategic planning with a powerful cash flow optimization tool designed for financial professionals.

The Clear Path To Cash App Empowers You To:

  • Find Hidden Cash: Discover untapped financial potential within your business. Enhance liquidity and improve financial health.
  • Optimize Cash Conversion: Leverage The Fast Money Formula for efficient cash management. Accelerate cash flow and improve working capital.
  • Master Financial Statement Analysis: Use The Home Run Financial System for in-depth business analysis. Understand financial position and performance.
  • Perform A Quick Business Valuation: Get estimates with The Simple Valuation Formula. Provide accurate insights for mergers, acquisitions, and investments.
  • Capture Comprehensive Business Diagnostics: Analyze, diagnose, and treat business issues with The Financial Doctor. Ensure long-term stability and growth.
multiple screenshots from the clear path to cash app
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Who Can Benefit from Our Cash Flow Optimization App and How It Transforms Your Business

This is Cash Flow Mike’s favorite program!

The greatest joy in the world is helping a business owner see their business through the eyes of financial statements.

Financial professionals like accountants, bookkeepers, and fractional CFOs can greatly benefit from using our Clear Path To Cash App. This powerful tool automates the calculations and processes taught in the Clear Path To Cash course, enabling you to maximize cash flow in your clients' businesses.

By using this app, you can provide your clients with unparalleled financial clarity and optimization, helping them make informed decisions and achieve their financial goals. The app enhances your advisory services, allowing you to create massive value in your firm. You'll be able to deliver actionable financial insights and strategies that drive business growth and stability.

Integrating the Clear Path To Cash App into your practice means increased revenue and longer client retention. Empower your firm with a tool designed to transform your advisory services and see your clients' businesses thrive.


See How the Clear Path to Cash App Enhances Your Client Services

Based on the "Clear Path to Cash" Video Training

Extend Your Learning with the Clear Path to Cash App

The Clear Path to Cash App brings the course's powerful formulas and strategies to life, making them easy to apply to your clients' businesses. Intuitive and user-friendly, it's designed for both seasoned graduates and newcomers.

Enhance Your Client Services with Ease

Perfect for those who have completed the course, the app helps you discover hidden cash, optimize cash conversion, and perform in-depth financial analyses. Even if you're new to the course, you'll quickly see results.

Maximize Cash Flow and Drive Growth

Transform your advisory services with the Clear Path to Cash App. Get the app or book a demo to revolutionize your practice and help your clients thrive.


Here’s What Other Students Had to Say About "The Clear Path To Cash" Training

"This is the most affordable way to get the coaching / training you need to find hidden cash in your business! Get live coaching, video training topics, and other resources for your business. You even get a private Slack Channel to ask the questions you need the most help with.


Mike becomes a member of your team with this app!

Simple Calculations, Easy-to-Explain Visuals – Transform Client Meetings with Ease

Using the Clear Path to Cash App brings a multitude of great benefits.

The app allows you to harness the expertise of Cash Flow Mike right at your fingertips. It's not just about theoretical knowledge – you get to apply proven strategies directly to your clients' businesses.

The app helps you create smart financial plans tailored to your clients' business goals. With its user-friendly interface, you can easily track progress and gain valuable insights. By integrating this app into your practice, you'll enhance your advisory services, optimize cash flow, and help your clients achieve long-term financial stability and growth.

Calculations, Charts, Analysis, Explanations, & Suggestions

Includes 25+ Calculations to Get Your Financial management Under Control

Guided Financial Analysis and Insights

The Clear Path to Cash App not only performs calculations but also provides in-depth analysis of what the results mean for your clients' businesses. It's like having a guided tour of financial analysis, offering actionable suggestions to start making improvements immediately.

Tailored Client Experiences

With the app, you can add personalized notes to customize each client's experience, creating a beautiful PDF report that showcases your expertise. This level of customization enhances your advisory services and helps you build stronger client relationships.

Optimize Cash Flow and Business Growth

Integrate the Clear Path to Cash App into your practice to enhance your advisory services, optimize cash flow, and drive business growth. Get the app or book a demo today to revolutionize your client offerings.


I’ve taught over 4,000 business owners and accountants The Clear Path To Cash and improved each of their cash flows by over $20,000


Seth David

Nerd Enterprises, Inc

I've known Mike Milan for many years now. I've had him on each of my podcasts and I've worked with him on many projects over the years. I have worked with many many people over the past 20 years and Mike is one of those rare guys with an incredibly high level of integrity and absolutely no BS. He gives it to you straight, and you always know where you stand with him. Oh and he actually knows his $#%^! So there's that!

Coaching for Accountants

Blaine Bertsch


Mike has lived the life of an entrepreneur for decades and knows first-hand how tough the journey is for virtually everyone. He’s known as ‘Cash Flow Mike’ because he understands how critical cash flow is for a business and how proper financial management is the key to not only survival, but growth. He has an incredible ability to share his knowledge in an engaging and clear way that translates to the business-owner mindset. Any time spent with Mike will not only move your business forward, but it could be the difference between failing and thriving.


Gary Dehart

Insightful Accountant

I have known Mike for several years, but did not really understand his depth of knowledge on "cash flow" and business financing until I had him as a guest on my podcast and on a couple of webinars. He's a great teacher and very knowledgeable on the topic. I guess that's why he's "Cash Flow Mike"!


John Lewis

National Bank of Arizona

The training provided by Cash Flow Mike allows bankers to work through real world scenarios in a training environment. The training results in the bankers having increased confidence when in front of clients and prospects!


Seth Fineberg


You don't call yourself 'Cash Flow Mike' for nothing, it is literally who you are and, specifically, who Mike is. I've seen proven time and again, Mike knows his stuff, knows cash flow tools and tactics as well as what firm and business leaders often get wrong or ignore in this crucial process.


Joe Woodard

The Woodard Group

“I have worked with Mike for years and have found him to be an extremely knowledgeable and effective – and entertaining – instructor. Mike’s expertise with cash flow is rivaled only by his ability to make the subject matter fun and easy to understand.”



Your Success Assurance Guarantee

We stand behind the effectiveness and value of our program, and we're confident it will deliver tangible results for your business. As you embark on this transformative journey, rest assured that you'll have access to our Personalized Support Guarantee. If you encounter any questions or need extra assistance while implementing the financial strategies, Cash Flow Mike will be available to address your concerns through live Q&A sessions and dedicated email support. We are committed to your success!

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Please note that the Clear Path to Cash App does not contain extensive educational materials. It is designed for users who are already familiar with the financial concepts taught in The Clear Path To Cash course and will instantly recognize the charts and names of the techniques being used. The analysis and suggestions provided within the app are based on generally accepted guidance derived from the results of the calculations. This app is not intended to replace the specific advice that you provide to your clients, which should be based on your knowledge of the more intimate details of their businesses.